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Miskolci Állatkert

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About us

Miskolc Zoo and Cultural Park opened on 20th August 1983. Our zoo is located in a 21 hectare hornbeam-oak forest connected to the Bükk National Park, this way we can also present the rich flora and fauna of the Bükk Mountains. Written records prove that King Louis the Great had established a royal game preserve in the Csanyik valley in 1355, therefore our zoo is considered to be Hungary’s oldest animal holding place.

The zoo is home to around 700 specimens of nearly 130 species and varieties. Visitors can also meet the residents of a typical forest of the Carpathian Basin, the exotic animals of far away continents and native domestic animals that have become curiosities nowadays. Besides presenting animals to visitors, we would also like to draw attention to the small wonders of nature surrounding us. An educational pathway was created for this purpose to exhibit the natural values of our immediate environment.

Our zoo also takes part in international breeding programmes that have made it possible for animals extinct in the wild to survive in zoos. A unique initiative was to establish a conservation statue park with life-size bronze statues of animals commemorating the species’ that became extinct as a result of human activity. Our zoo endeavours to join in the popularization of conservation and animal protection and to help  environmental education reach all ages, especially the rising generations. The forest environment of Miskolc Zoo is an excellent place to make friends with nature.

Magyar Állatkertek Szövetsége Species360: Global information serving conservation Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület Magyarország-Szlovákia Határon Átnyúló Együttműködési Program  Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap  Miskolc Megyei Jogú Város Miskolc Holding Zrt.Miskolci Városgazda Nonprofit Kft.